Work With Us

Our work is highly interdisciplinary, crossing the traditional organic, inorganic and physical chemical divides. We are always delighted to hear from talented and enthusiastic Part II, PhD/DPhil, and post-doctoral candidates, and potential visitors. Please contact Matthew directly at


PDRA Positions

Funded vacancies will be advertised when available. The links below detail other potential sources of funding. Please contact Matthew by email ( if you would like to discuss applying for a fellowship, including a cover letter detailing your research interests and CV. Assistance will be provided for competitive applicants.
The Royal Society Newton Fellowships
Marie Curie Fellowships
Violet and Samuel Glasstone Research Fellowships
Max Planck Society Fellowships
Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation
EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowships
NATO Science for Peace Program
EMBO Fellowships
Oxford Colleges Junior Research Fellowships
General information regarding funding can be found here.


DPhil Positions

We expect to take on 2-3 DPhil (PhD) students each year, depending on funding. Applications must be received via the central university application portal, informal enquires can be directed to Matthew. Funded studentships are typically advertised on the departmental webpage.
We are a member group of the Inorganic Materials for Advanced Manufacturing Centre for Doctoral Training (IMAT CDT) which offers a fully-funded four year course comprising taught courses and a forty-two month substantive research project. We have hosted numerous DPhil students from the previous OxICFM CDT.
We are also affiliated with the Chemical Synthesis for a Healthy Planet (CSHP) CDT and the Chemistry in Cells CDT. We have hosted both full DPhil projects and rotation students from the previous SBM organic chemistry CDT; as well as the Interdisciplinary Bioscience (BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership).
There are a wide range of scholarships available to study in Oxford. More information can be found here.


Part II Positions

We host typically 2-3 part II students in the group each year, and projects typically involve a combination of synthesis of molecular systems and determining their properties and functions through quantitative spectroscopic and imaging techniques. Recent Part 2's have seen their work published (see below), and stayed on in the group (or moved elsewhere) for a DPhil. Three of our recent students have won the thesis prize / runner up prize for best Part 2 inorganic chemistry thesis.
Recent papers co-authored by undergraduate students (underlined):
  • Coupling Photoresponsive Transmembrane Ion Transport with Transition Metal Catalysis
X. Chao, T. G. Johnson, M. Temian, A. Docker, A. L. D. Wallabregue, A. Scott, S. J. Conway and M. J. Langton, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, ASAP


  • Inter-Vesicle Signal Transduction Using a Photo-Responsive Zinc Ionophore
S. A. Gartland, T. G. Johnson, E. Walkley and M. J. Langton, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202309080
  • Halogen Bonding Relay and Mobile Anion Transporters with Kinetically Controlled Chloride Selectivity
T. G. Johnson, A. Docker, A. Sadeghi-Kelishadi and M. J. Langton, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 5006-5013
  • Photo-switchable Anion Binding and Catalysis with a Visible Light Responsive Halogen Bonding Receptor
A. Kerckhoffs, I. Moss and M. J. Langton, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 51-54
  • A Photo-responsive Transmembrane Anion Transporter Relay
T. G. Johnson, A. Sadeghi-Kelishadi and M. J. Langton, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 114, 10455-10461
  • Red-shifted Tetra-ortho-halo-azobenzenes for Photo-regulated Transmembrane Anion Transport
A. Kerckhoffs, Z. Bo, S. E. Penty, F. Duarte and M. J. Langton, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021, 19, 9058-9067